Monday 27 February 2023

You Where Created For Pleasure.

You where created for Pleasure

it is believed that God has a desire for humanity, which may include:

  1. Love and relationship: God desires to have a personal and loving relationship with human beings, and for us to love Him in return. This can be seen in the teachings of Jesus Christ and his Love perfected by his Sacrifice.

  2. Obedience and righteousness: The importance of obeying God's commandments and living a righteous life, in order to please God and fulfill His desires for us, is a core part of our submission to his lordship and Will.

  3. Salvation and redemption: It is God desires for all people to be saved and redeemed from sin and spiritual death, through faith in Him and His plan of salvation. Without Believing in him there is not way out from the condemnation ahead.

  4. Justice and compassion: God's desire for humanity may also include promoting justice and compassion, caring for the poor and marginalized, and working towards a more just and equitable society. Not just here on earth, but also a reflection of what life will be for all whose name will be found written in the book of life.

Overall, the specific desires that God has for humanity is total submission to his Supremacy and love, However, a common theme is that God desires for us to live a life that is pleasing to Him, and to seek a deeper relationship with Him through faith and obedience.


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